Code OF Conduct


Bunny’s Limited (the Company) is engaged in the manufacturing of wide range of bread, cakes and snack products with the objective to achieve sustainable growth, profitability and highest standards of safety, occupational health and environmental care. This ensures human resource development, enhancing value addition, implementing conservation measures and growth by up-gradation and addition of newer generation technologies.

The Company requires all its Board Members and Employees to act within the authority conferred upon them and in the best interests of the Company and observe all the Company’s policies and procedures as well as relevant laws and regulations, as are applicable in individual capacity or otherwise, including but not limited to the corporate values, business principles and the acceptable and unacceptable behavior (hereinafter called the Company’s Code of Conduct) embodied in this document.

The Company believes that the credibility, goodwill and repute earned over the years can be maintained through continued conviction in our corporate values of honesty, justice, integrity and respect for people. The Company strongly promotes trust, openness, teamwork and professionalism in its entire business activities.

• The business principles are derived from the above stated corporate values and are applied to all facets of business through well-established procedures. These procedures define behavior expected from each employee in the discharge of his/her responsibility.

• Bunny’s Limited recognizes following obligations, which need to be discharged with best efforts, commitment and efficiency:

* Safeguarding of shareholders’ interest and a suitable return on equity.
* Service customers by providing products, which offer value in terms of price, quality and safety.
* Respect human rights, provide congenial working environment, offer competitive terms of employment, develop human resource and be an equal opportunity employer.
* Seek mutually beneficial business relationship with contractors, suppliers and investment partners.

• The Company believes that profit is essential for business survival. It is a measure of efficiency and the value that the customer places on products produced by the Company.

• The Company requires honesty and fairness in all aspect of its business and in its relationships with all those with whom it does business. The direct or indirect offer, payment, soliciting and accepting of bribe in any form is undesirable.

• The Company is fully committed to reliability and accuracy of financial statements and transparency of transactions in accordance with established procedures and practices.

• The Company does not support any political party or contributes funds to groups having political interests. The Company will however, promote its legitimate business interests through trade associations.

• The Company, consistent with its commitments to sustainable developments, has a systematic approach to the management of health, safety and environment.

• The Company is committed to observe laws of Pakistan and is fully aware of its social responsibility. It would assist the community in activities such as education, sports, environment preservation, training programs, skills development and employment within the parameters of its commercial objectives.

• The Company supports free market system. It seeks to compete fairly and ethically within the framework of applicable competition laws in the country. The Company will not stop others from competing freely with it.

• In view of the critical importance of its business and impact on national economy, the Company provides all relevant information about its activities to legitimate interested parties, subject to any overriding constraints of confidentiality and cost.

• The Company requires all its board members and employees to essentially avoid conflict of interest between private financial and/or other activities and their professional role in the conduct of Company business.

• No board member or employee shall in any manner disclose to any person or cause disclosure of any information or documents, official or otherwise, relating to the Company, except those published, and unless he/she is authorized by the management.

• All papers, books, drawings, sketches, photographs, documents and similar papers containing analysis, formulas, notes or information relating to the Company’s business affairs or operations shall always be treated as the Company property, whether prepared by the employee or otherwise and no employee shall be permitted to carry any of these outside business premises unless specifically authorized to do so by the management.

• The Company’s property, funds, facilities and services must be used only for authorized purposes.

• The board members or employees of the Company specifically those coming in direct contact with the vendors doing or seeking to do business with the Company shall not receive favors or incur obligations. In case any contractor/supplier to have business relations with the Company happen to be a relative of an official who is entrusted the responsibility of opening/evaluation/award of supply/contract job or with execution or certification of material/services, he/she shall immediately bring the fact to the notice of Managing Director who may entrust the responsibility to another.

• Each employee shall devote his/her full time and energy exclusively to the business and interests of the Company. In particular, no employee (including those on leave) unless otherwise permitted by the Company, shall directly or indirectly engage in any other profession or business or enter the services of or be employed in any capacity for any purpose whatsoever and for any part of his/her time by any other person, government department, firm or company and/or shall not have any private financial dealings with any other persons of firms having business relations with the company for sale or purchase of any materials or equipment or supply of labor or for any other purpose. Every employee shall hold himself in readiness to perform any duties required of him by his/her superiors to the best of his/her ability.

• No board member or employee of the Company shall, directly or indirectly, deal in the shares of the Company in any manner during the closed period, as determined and informed by the Company.

• No board member or employee of the Company shall practice insider trading.

Without prejudice to any penal action defined in any statute, as applicable, against any kind of non-compliances/violations, non-compliance with the Company’s Code of Conduct may expose the person involved to disciplinary action as per Company’s rules and/or as determined by the management or the Board of Directors of the Company, as the case may be, on case to case basis.